Contemporary Art Space.
Contemporary Art Space is a project created by RSA Academies and Iniva Arts to get contemporary art into school spaces. Haseebah was one of the three artists picked to create a body of work that would be installed in a school and was paired up with AbbeyWood first school. During this time Haseebah created three workshops for the Year 4 students that would eventually inspire her final piece which was based around oracy.
Haseebah’s main aim of the workshops was to make the students get messy and let loose with different art materials that they usually would’t have access to. During the three workshops Haseebah facilitated activities including watercolour pistol painting, paper marbling, portrait mark making and clay modelling. Haseebah wanted the students to focus on the theme of identity and what identity meant to them and this in turn inspired her thinking for the final installation.
Installation and Prints.

‘Delight in the Sky’ July 2021, Lino print, perspex and wood.
The final installation ‘Delight in the Sky’ is a series of Lino prints inserted into perspex cubes which were then placed on a wooden plinth. From facilitating the workshops Haseebah realised a lot of the students connected their identity to places that bring them joy which in turn brought up the central theme of escapism which Haseebah has tried to capture within the artwork. The perspex cube depicts clouds which link into dreaming and the second box illustrates escaping to different landscapes and places within the UK. Currently these are the biggest Lino print Haseebah has carved and all prints were hand printed in her home studio.